Today I am going to talk about creating virtual machines using qemu-kvm. I'll be using Scientific Linux (a.k.a. Enterprise Linux much like Red Had and Centos) for this. A very good guide is available for Fedora at fedora wiki.
Step 3: Launch "Virtual Machine Manager" from the menu bar or just run
You are done! You can launch the machine using "Virtual Machine Manager" or by using
Have fun and do comment if I have missed on something or you have any tips and tricks.
Optional: Install yumex. It is a good package manager for yum. Much better than the default stuff shipped with standard distro. It is better for guys who like to do gui based installation.
Step 1: Install following packages:
yum install qemu-kvm python-virtinst virt-manager virt-viewer libvirt
Step 2: Start the libvertd service
service libvirtd start
Step 3: Launch "Virtual Machine Manager" from the menu bar or just run
virt-install --prompt
for an interactive CLI virtual machine creation. A one line install is also possible. Read man virt-install
carefully before attempting this. Example:
virt-install --connect qemu:///system -n fed15-kvm -r 768 --vcpus=2 -f fed15-kvm -s 12 -c ../iso_files/fed15_64.iso --vnc --noautoconsole --os-type linux --os-variant fedora14 --accelerate --network=bridge:virbr0 --hvm
You are done! You can launch the machine using "Virtual Machine Manager" or by using
virsh --connect qemu:///system start fed15-kvm
where fed15-kvm is the name of my VM, though using command will start it in background.Have fun and do comment if I have missed on something or you have any tips and tricks.