Thursday, January 21, 2010

Networking with Linux : The Mail Server, OpenWebMail

We now know how to set up a Postfix mail server, now let us talk about the User Interfaces. The Postfix server is a very robust MTA but sending mail everytime using telnet is not what we are looking forward to. So, let us talk about setting up a nice user interface. My two favorite interfaces are that of SquirrelMail and OpenWebMail. For a beginner I would recommend later because it is extremely easy to setup.
Now, I might show SquirrelMail set up in some other post. For now, let us talk about setting up of OpenWebMail. Download the package from here and install it (just double clicking it in Ubuntu will be enough). You might need to install some perl packages. Fire the command if you need Perl:
sudo apt-get install perl 
Once the OpenWebMail is installed, well, thats it. You got it!
http://localhost/openwebmail/ will open the documentation and http://localhost/openwebmail/redirect.html will open the login page. Sweet and easy!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Networking with Linux : The Mail Server, Postfix MTA

First and foremost question. What is a MTA?
Well, MTP is Mail Transfer Agent. It is used as a mail server to transfer e-mails. This post will teach you basic installation of Postfix and its configuration. But let me tell you this well in advance, what I am going to teach you in this post is a very minimal configuration without any security and UI (I am leaving UI for my next post and security for you to Google!).
Now let us start with the installation. Install the Postfix by firing the following command:
sudo aptitude install postfix
Accept any dependencies, if presented. Now after the installation we need to configure it a little. On the terminal fire the following command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix
You will see some options. Choose the most appropriate one, they are self explainatory. I will continue with the option "Internet Site" and follow the steps below.
  • Choose the system mail name. If you are setting up server for then set the name as and hit OK
  • Put a root recipient name or leave it blank if you want and hit OK
  • Use this field to setup the server for other domains or your TLD.
  • This option is used in case of system crash but you will not need it as you are using ex3 or ext4 file system having journaling capability and hit NO.
  • Put up your local network. I use and hit OK.
  • Set the disk limit for the users. 0 stands for unlimited and hit OK.
  • Use default at this screen and hit OK.
  • Choose the Internet protocols you want and hit OK.
Now your postfix server is good to go. Start it by firing:
sudo /etc/init.d/postfix start
You can check it out by using the following command:
telnet localhost 25
HELO localhost

There you go with your Postfix server. Now next post on WebMail UI.